Location Compliance Certification

  • Since middle of 2021, TCC has been able to offer Location Compliance Certification.

  • Our Certifier, Geoffrey Meikle, is now able to certify Hazardous Substance Locations. Those with flammable gases (2.1.1A), flammable liquids (3.1), or oxidising solids/liquids/gases (5.1.1, 5.1.2A).

  • The process is fairly simple. Send us a copy of your Hazardous Substance Inventory, along with a copy of your Site Plan. Then our Certifier will assess if your site is within his authorisation.

  • If our Certifier is authorised to certify your site, we will send you our Location Application Form, and start the whole certification process. Contact us about your requirements.

  • Please note that getting a Location Certificate is an auditing process. It’s not a “Send Money, Print Certificate” exercise. If your site is found to be non-compliant, then you need to attend to the non-compliances and start the process again. This could take some time, depending on the size and complexity of your site.

  • If you are unsure if you meet the requirements, then we recommend starting with our Hazardous Substances Site Assessment. One of our consultants will assess your compliance and outline what’s missing. Once you have these actioned, then you will be ready for our official Location Certification process.

  • If we are currently unable to certify your site, we will be able to recommend another Locations Certifier. They will be able to assist you.

  • Our Certifier is looking to increase his authorisation at every opportunity so it may be we might be able to help you later on. Keep checking back to see if things have changed!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.techcomp.co.nz/location-compliance-certification/