Hazardous Substances Site Assessment

It’s one thing to think you’re safe, it’s another to know it for sure!
  • Are you meeting your requirements under the Hazardous Substances Regulations? You might need us to come and run you through our Hazardous Substances Site Assessment.

  • We start with your Hazardous Substance Documentation, such as written procedures, inventories, and staff training records. This shows us how the company seeks to manage your hazardous substances.

  • A physical inspection of the site is also part of the assessment. Storage, equipment, signage, spill kits, and other emergency equipment are checked for suitability.

  • After the assessment we provide a report, outlining the gaps in your compliance and where best to start.

  • The reason why we offer this as an assessment rather than an audit is that one of our consultants can then assist in filling in the gaps. An auditor will usually stand back and wait for the non-compliances to be actioned.

  • Laboratories go through a similar assessment. We can check that they meet the requirements to be considered a Laboratory under Part 18 of the HSW (HS) Regulations.

  • Our Hazardous Substance Site Assessment assumes 2.5 – 3 hours on-site. Any extra hours are chargeable, though this is unlikely.

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