Chemical Handling Awareness Training

Every worker who uses, handles, manufactures, or stores a hazardous substance (including hazardous waste) must be provided with information, training and instruction before the worker is allowed to carry out or supervise work involving that substance.

As such, each worker must be trained in:

  • the physico-chemical and health hazards associated with the hazardous substances the worker uses at work;
  • the procedures dictating the safe use, handling, manufacture, storage, and disposal of the hazardous substances in the workplace;
  • the safe use of equipment (including PPE) necessary to manage their hazardous substances;
  • the worker’s obligations under the HSWA Hazardous Substances regulations;
  • the actions that the worker should take in an emergency involving the hazardous substances

Lastly, the worker must have had an appropriate period of practical experience with the topics covered by the training, under direct supervision in the workplace.

Our Chemical Handling Awareness Training (CHAT) course covers the basics of chemical handling at the worker level, giving them a baseline understanding of what dealing with hazardous substances can mean. The course touches on topics such as:

  • The events that lead to the new legislation,
  • Worker rights and responsibilities,
  • What defines a hazardous substance,
  • Hazardous Substance classifications and their hazards,
  • Hazardous Substance lifecycles (storage, use, transport, disposal),
  • Health effects and exposure,
  • Choice of PPE,
  • Principles of spill response,
  • First Aid, and Emergencies.

Please note: This course covers most of the requirements of Regulation 4.5. However, Company specific Handling and Emergency Procedures, as well as PPE training, is left to the company to achieve.

The course has a running time of up to 2 hours, allowing us to inform your workers without dragging on and taking too much time out of their work day.

Contact us today to organise a CHAT course for your team!

For those of you who are interested in a little more, we have a few ideas on other additional CHAT modules that would accompany this training. We haven’t ironed out all the details yet, but keep your eyes on this space:

  • How to read SDSs, Labels, and Signs
  • Translating HSNO/GHS Classification

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